Pink Mist

Trick or Treat

No tricks just treats with our new Halloween Band - "Trick or Treat." It is simply frightfully delightful. Beware you will be tempted to keep this band on clear though Mardi Gras!

Call today to sign up for this class on
Thursday August 13th at 7pm and learn how fun and easy it is to make these popular interchangeable watch bands. This class is only $20 -includes all the beads, findings, and stretchy cord to make one interchangeable watch band of your choice. Plus, not only will you learn how to make one of these darling interchangeable watch bands, but you can custom size it to fit your wrist perfectly! What a bonus! When you call to sign up for this class, be sure to tell us which design you would like to make so we can get the kit ready for you. If you do not specify the style, a "Silver Kisses kit will be put together for you. This is a perfect class for a girls night out - either with daughters, girlfriends or both!
On the other hand, If you find yourself too busy too come to a class - but would love one of your own to wear - stop in at Paper Cottage - we have a we a great selection of fun and classy styles to choose from. You can also log onto - Here are just a few... Check these out -
Warm Brown Sugar


Tuttie Fruitti

Zebra Zing

Blue Jean Baby